Monday, 4 March 2019

Memories of an old shack

We have all been part of a brief flu that's gone through most people I work with and my family. Nothing major - just something I think that's part of the changes in temperature during the Summer/Autumn changeover. Today the other half and I decided that we hadn't gone on a road-trip for quite some time so we ventured out to the Mahinepua Peninsula which is about 40 minutes from where we live and about 10 minutes from Matauri Bay.

There aren't many houses out there, maybe 1 that's being lived in and 3 that are closed after Summer. This little shack caught my eye though. Part of the back roof of the shed alongside the main dwelling has fallen down and the rest of it looks boarded up and unused. Maybe something dating back to before the 1950s? Not sure...but I wonder what memories it holds within, who were the people that use to enjoy this spectacular beach? hmm...

Linking up with Our World Tuesday.


local alien said...

They had a spectacular view from that little shack. I'm sure they were very happy campers/shackers.

Lady Fi said...

That shack is in the perfect spot!

Andy said...

It seems strange but thousands km. away from you the same flu is happening here.
The best way to enjoy a road trip is to get off the beaten path. There are many surprises waiting for you.

Graham Edwards said...

WhenI was young I used to love photographing the old abandoned croft houses in Scotland. I'd love to have been able to photograph the memories too. I still enjoy finding old places but the newer concrete croft houses are not usually as interesting.

Sharon said...

It certainly does have a wonderful view! I love a good road trip!

Wayne said...

Tiny shack, BIG views. Someone should fix it up and rent it out.

Bill said...

The shack is located in a beautiful location. A nice raod trip is always fun, never know what you'll see.

William Kendall said...

That second view is a stunner.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Abandoned houses (or beach shacks) always make me want to know the backstory wonder what happened to the people I usually make one up....I’m thinking these owners must have been so happy to have a place to stay at the beach ...such a spectacular view , even if it was small it would have been worth it! (Now I have to work out Chapter 2 ...why they stopped coming! ))j

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Wow - who wouldn't want to live in that setting.

Penelope Notes said...

Hope you all feel better soon. That old shack likely has a palace load of memories, along with its spectacular view!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh it looks so sad Amy.. maybe one day it will make new memories for someone else. I hate that change of season four, I'm still coughing from the last time 😱 Hope you feel tip top soon ✨

Photo Cache said...

The location is very peaceful. Glad you had overcome the flu bug.

Worth a Thousand Words

Rhonda Albom said...

An NZ bach the way they used to be. It's so difficult to find beachfront property these days.

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