Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Kewpie Cruising...

Back when we lived in Tauranga we use to regularly see this wee boat cruising the harbour with passengers. A few times I wanted to go on it but life got in the way.

Not be confused with Northland's Kewpie Too, this baby "Kewpie Cruises" has a licensed bar, 2 levels, a lounge bar and a dance floor - it almost doesn't quite look like it has that much room from the outside.

Speaking of boats we haven't been out in ours much lately, over Summer there were too many people out there also fishing so we are waiting for the tides to be right. We think that around mid to late February it might be time to get out there again.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday.


Graham Edwards said...

I wish you happy fishing when the time is right.

kwarkito said...

This little boat is incredibly charming. I like it.

William Kendall said...

It does look too small for all that to be on board.

Lady Fi said...

What a sweet little boat.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That is the problem with owning a boat, you find that too many people wantto use theirs the same time

Photo Cache said...

I like these little boats for day cruising. Looks very relaxing.

Worth a thousand words

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That boat does look a little small for dancing, but that wouldn’t be my priority anyway. It looks a great place to cruise for the scenery, but like you, I’d rather have my own boat.

KB said...

So cute. My parents and sister live in Tauranga

Fun60 said...

Sooner be on a small boat if looking at the scenery.

Santa's hat

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