Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Christmas day Bougainvillea

Christmas day came and went here in NZ. Christmas eve luckily I didn't have to work and my parents had come up to spend 2 days with us unfortunately we had constant rain - our country got quite a downpour but Christmas day morning the sun came out and shone down on us again.

Some of the goodies we feasted on were typical Kiwi traditions such as Pavlova, Fruit Sponge plus I had mad a Chocolate log with cream and jam in the middle. We also had a pork roast with various vegetables - the other half had barbequed some scallops wrapped on bacon. My mum (in the photo above) cutting the deserts into slices.

Later on after they had left I ventured out for a walk and saw this carpet of purple and red Bougainvillea lining the walkway near our house. How did your day go?


local alien said...

The fruit sponge looks scrummy. And that pavola...look at the size. You know how to make a good pav!
Our Xmas was 'fraught'. Nothing new there. It will blow over as usual

Amy said...

Sadly none of us made the pav, I worked 6 days right up until xmas eve so I didn't time but I can't make pav anyway so we bought that one from the supermarket.

Life Images by Jill said...

Your typical Christmas fare sounds similar to ours in Australia - pork roast and pavlova! Happy Christmas. Lovely your parents were able to join you. I am joining you today through Wednesday Around the World.

DawnTreader said...

The cakes look yummy ... Living in Sweden, and never having spent Christmas anywhere else, I always find it hard to imagine celebrating it in summmer climate!

William Kendall said...

Pretty flowers!

Christmas Day here was cold and clear.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Hello and stop in from Yogi. I only ate kiwi and never heard of Pavlova. If you find the time stop in for a cup of coffee.

Sharon said...

Your desserts look fabulous. My day went well too. Lots of great food and lots of laughter.

Bill said...

The food looks delicious. Hope you had a great holiday with your family.

Aritha V. said...

Love to see the lovely flowers! So nice.

Love is love

  I spotted this little mural on the front of a Chorus utility box in the suburbs of Christchurch last time we were there just before Christ...