Saturday, 17 November 2018

The Kerikeri Half Marathon

What a gorgeous Spring day it's turned out to be - quite scorching!  Today our town is hosting a half marathon so I thought I'd take a walk to check it out.

The run has been organized to raise funds for the Cancer Society - always a worthy cause. For wheelchair/race users it started at 7.25 am, for runners they started at 7.30 am, for walkers their start was 7.50 am.

There were alot of people running down the road so I'd say these were probably the first participants. The race started out at Okaihau on State Highway 1 and ended at the Kerikeri Domain.

There were people cheering the runners on but you see the house/building behind them? They sell clothing/bric a brac etc but they also provide refrigerators out the front full of free fruit and veges for people to take if they need to. I think every town should have something like this.

This is the last part of the run - in the background you can see parked cars and tents set up at the domain. I can hear the music very loudly from our house which is a good 10-15 minute walk from there so it must be even louder at the domain. Later today there is going to be a free street party - I'm not looking forward to the after affects as work will probably be crazy busy later on but at least I have the next 2 days off.


William Kendall said...

It certainly feels hot, looking at these shots.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That looks to be a low key marathon from the looks of things. I kind of like those kind of events. My first marathon back in the late 1990's had only 49 people in it. After about 3 miles I couldn't see any of my fellow racers behind me or in front of me.
I love the place with the fridges of food for people in need. I love that kind of thing.

Lady Fi said...

A worthy cause!

Susan Heather said...

Lots of energetic people. I prefer walking any day.

Graham Edwards said...

I'm sad to say that long distance running has always been beyond me: I was a sprinter. Odd really because in 'real' life I'm quite the reverse: if I start something then I finish - eventually.

Andy said...

A worth while event to defeat a very ugly illness.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Good on them Amy, wouldn't mind the doing the walk version. Love the idea of giving away free fruit and veg, don't see that very often! Hope the after party was good fun ✨

local alien said...

Tis the season! My neice is running a half marathon in the bay this weekend.
We have spring triathlon here. Lots going on ,music etc just like yours. Good fun for the athletic types

Sharon said...

Something for everyone in this marathon.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Have to admire those who partake but it's not something I would care to do

Bill said...

An excellent cause to donate to. Nice that the business participates too by having a refrigerator with free fruit for anyone who needs it.

NatureFootstep said...

Huh, I get tired just looking at the images. I used to jog earlier but stoped about 10 years ago. My lungs did not want it anymore. :( Great shots.

Jenn said...

Good for the them....half marathons are tough!!

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