Sunday, 7 October 2018

Oh, that Wisteria!

Another Sunday spent out and about exploring the local area. This morning we were walking around the historical Kemp house and this climbing Wisteria caught my eye.

Last time we were here it was completely bare and looked like it had just had a good pruning.

I think this one is Wisteria Sinensis and it's deciduous over Winter. It only grows from October through to February which is our Spring/Summer period.

Pretty isn't it?


Susan Heather said...

I love wisteria and there is a lot out at present.

kwarkito said...

It's a marvelous summer plant. I love it too

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I love those, used to have one growing but the frost killed it, still would love to grow anothee

Graham Edwards said...

It's a beautiful plant.

gz said...

it is pretty, and does take a while to recover from serious can be a bit of a thug, however, when it comes to damaging buildings!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gorgeous! I love Wisteria Amy, it looks so pretty when in bloom like this. I have some in my back garden but it hasn't been too successful unfortunately 😊

local alien said...

Beautiful. Gorgeous colour

William Kendall said...

Very pretty!

Lady Fi said...

So gorgeous!

Sharon said...

Absolutely beautiful. I wish they grew here.

NatureFootstep said...

sure, this is a pretty one. Both shape and colors :)

Bird on a sign

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