Monday, 29 October 2018

1st World War Memorial in Kohukohu

Since we've moved to Northland we have been trying to visit one new place every couple of weeks. Yesterday we drove about an hour or so out to Kohukohu, a small town on the edge of the Hokianga River. This was the first thing we saw after getting out of the car for some much needed fresh air including these two nice Maori ladies who I greeted by saying "kia ora" meaning "hello" and it was good to hear a cheery "kia ora" back with a smile.

This is the Hokianga Arch of Remembrance dedicated to those who fought in the 1st World War. It was dedicated in 1927 but after being damaged by trucks needing access to the wharf in the 1950s it was moved to the sports field and modified with some gates. Recently it was moved back near the original site at the wharf and has had extra names added to it from the 2nd World War and Vietnam War.


William Kendall said...

Quite different from what I'm used to, but it serves the purpose nicely.

gz said...

A beautiful place to sit and ponder

Rhonda Albom said...

I think the current site for the arch is perfect. The scenery is great.

Susan Heather said...

I have always liked Kohukohu.

Sharon said...

It looks very well suited to it's location. What a wonderful view from this spot. I love that you take us to so many interesting places.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That is wonderful looking war memorial

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