Thursday, 7 June 2018

Mount Maunganui backpackers

After 3 weeks of being sick and missing out on my daily run I finally got back out yesterday and as I was jogging past our local backpackers I happened take a photo of their colourful mural on the side of the building. Next door a block of apartments are being built but the backpackers itself caters to tourists wanting to experience the cheaper side of being in our city. The owners also help their guests find jobs within their working visas usually such as kiwifruit picking/packing which I've heard is well paid but very hard work. I love the colourful mural on the side don't you?

As for the bleak sky in the background it's the usual of our Winter at the moment, today it's sunny but we have more rain due tomorrow.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


William Kendall said...

It's very colourful!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Well that is pretty cool and I like the concept that they actually try and help people out. Not like that here in Oklahoma, USA I tell you.

local alien said...

I love these !Urals. What a wonderful way of brightening up the city

Sharon said...

I like that mural too! It makes me want to go to the beach.

Jim said...

Great mural.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Love that mural! I'm a fan of anything that includes a vintage VW van!!

carol l mckenna said...

Glad you are feeling better ~ beautiful mural shot!

Happy Weekend to you,
ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That's a really welcoming sight Amy, I bet many a relieved traveller has been pleased to see it come into sight ☺

Bird on a sign

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