Monday, 18 June 2018

Colour within the concrete

Recently we visited Waikumete Cemetery in West Auckland. This is somewhere I've been meaning to visit for a number of years simply because it's where some of my ancestors are buried and because I needed to connect something with all the research I've been doing over the years on my family tree (which is extremely extensive so far).

On my dad's side, the Austens we searched for in the Anglican section and couldn't find then later found out the original markers which were very modest wooden crosses had disappeared over the years but I had been very near the spot while walking around.

On my mum's side the de Silva's and Andersons are on the opposite area from here in the Non Comformist section - I did end up finding them as one of my uncles had organized a nice large slate marker with names and dates etc on top which was nice to see. It was a fairly emotional morning it would be but it was lovely to see some pink Valerian flowers creating some colour in amongst the concrete.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday.


local alien said...

That looks like a very old cemetery. I wish I knew , and could vsit, some f our families history like that. No wonder it was emotional.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The flowers definitely make a difference Amy, looks like a lovely old cemetery and after all your searching I'm really happy you made some connections ✨

Bill said...

What a beautiful old cemetery. The flowers really pop out with their colour. Cemeteries with my ancestors buried within them always give me goosebumps. Most of my Irish family is buried in America. I am searching for the ones who never left Ireland. So many Burkes here, the list is endless. I am glad that you made some connections, it must feel incredible to know that they're part of who you are.

The cemetery in yesterday's post, I don't know the age of it. I will have to ask a local. It would be interesting to know that info.
Have a wonderful day and I love your new header, it's beautiful.

Sharon said...

From your photo, I'd say this is a cemetery with a long history.

William Kendall said...

It certainly feels very old, and full of memory.

Fun60 said...

It looks an old cemetary with many stories to tell.

Photo Cache said...

I have begun to see the beauty in cemeteries and enjoyed visiting them.

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