Friday, 15 June 2018

Blue skies today...

With so much rain lately and Winter here early it was a treat to see blue skies out yesterday and this morning so I drove out to the beach and got this photo of the sun just coming up.

I had the day off from work yesterday as I am down with another head cold, think I'm at the point where I"m so tired of being sick - it wasn't so long ago I was battling a chest infection and the thing is when you work in customer service like I do we get people coming in all the time sick so it's easy to pick up bugs.

I could always get the flu injection I suppose but I"m a bit wary about things like that...

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Beautiful sky

William Kendall said...


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Gorgeous shot. I like how the fence leads my eye out to the ocean!

Photo Cache said...

Beautiful. Here's to more blue-sky day this season.

Worth a Thousand Words

Jim said...

Good one.

Rhonda Albom said...

A great clear sunrise. It's good that the rain cleared for a bit. I hope you get over the cold.

Kay L. Davies said...

I seldom see sunrises these days, so thank you for sharing yours!
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Graham Edwards said...

I'm sorry to hear you've been laid low again. I've had the 'flu injection for many years and have avoided 'flu thank heaven. I've had it twice in my life and it laid me low for weeks on each occasion. Of course it won't stop anything else and a severe cold can be very debilitating too. Having gone several years without one I've had two corkers already this year meaning that I've not been able to see my new grandson for a week or two on each occasion.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh thats not fun Amy but as you say almost inevitable! We've had a few sunny days also but back to rainy tomorrow. Keep nice and warm ✨

Bird on a sign

  This sign made me smile last time we were in Taupo. It seems this Black Billed Gull was taking it literally.  Today is Waitangi Day in Ao...