Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Yoga on the beach

Now that the rain has gone we are back to our normal scheduled Summer. I've been trying to lose weight for the last 6 weeks so every day I've been jogging and walking for about 30 minutes each time. So far I've lost 5kg so I'm feeling pretty good about it all - 10 kg to go.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday :-)


Billy Blue Eyes said...

As good a place as any and peaceful too

William Kendall said...
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William Kendall said...

A good spot for some exercise!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I don't do yoga, but if I did, I would want to do it on that beach! Congrats on the 5kg, that's a great achievement.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I have always wanted to try yoga. Beautiful beach and sky photo.Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend!

Bill said...

A lovely looking beach and a very blue sky. Congrats on losing 5kg, keep up the good work.

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful blue sky and fun yoga on the beach ~ Lovely photo!

Happy Weekend to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Freezing cold here so it warms me up to read about you walking and running on the beach. Great photo.
Keep up the good work with the weight loss!!

Buckeroomama said...

Good on you! Yoga + beach = divine!

baili said...

Beach is wonderful place to do some Yoga !

best of luck for the weight loss my friend
i too walk for 30 minutes everyday

Timelesslady said...

What a lovely place to exercise. I'm in the throes of winter here in the Eastern US. I would love to be on a sunny beach.

Share my Garden said...

Yoga on the beach - I wish I were there! I am also in need of some weight loss after all the Christmas eating, most impressed by your 5kg loss.

Klara said...

wow, that's a place to do yoga!

NatureFootstep said...

hm, hard to do if the sand is lose and moves under your foot. :)


  Yay the water restrictions are now over. My daughter R and I were in town earlier this week doing some op shopping and we walked past this...