Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Hello Mr Butterfly!

On a whim Sunday morning my 17 year old and I decided on a whim to take a Summer outing to our local Te Puna Quarry Park. We left home first thing in the morning because by about 10am here it's sweltering hot.

One thing we noticed is that all of the Swan Plants were in bloom and there were ALOT of butterflies and and caterpillars. Perfect season I guess - mid to late Summer.

We walked up alot of the hills and by the end of the day my legs were killing me, reminder to self: do stretches before trying that again. We were only there for about an hour and a half as it had warmed up considerably - think we're looking forward to some cool temperatures once Autumn gets here in March - bring it on!

Linking up with Our World Tuesday :-)


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful butterfly and butterfly-to-be!!

William Kendall said...

Quite a pretty butterfly!

Joyful said...

I love butterflies.

lotusleaf said...

Shiny pupa! Beautiful pictures.

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful butterflies. We are now on the right side of new year and can look forward to butterflies. But not the one you shared, it is hot where I live. :)

Sharon said...

Wow, what a treat to find not only the butterflies but a caterpillar and a chrysalis. Beautiful photos!

local alien said...

i remember those swan plants from my childhood.
You're looking forward to some cool days and we're waiting for a LITTLE heat. Really cold here today

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely butterfly and gorgeous nature shots!

Happy Week to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Bill said...

Beautiful shots Amy. The butterfly is gorgeous, I like the patterns on the wings. Fantastic shots of the caterpillar and chrysalis.

Graham Edwards said...

I think seeing The Monarch Butterfly in all its stages is one of the most iconic things for me about my life in New Zealand. We had a lot of Swan Plants in the area and we would watch the progress through their various stages of life. It always amazes me when I think of the thousands of miles they travel to migrate.

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