Friday, 29 September 2017

Raglan skies on a freezing day...

Last time we were in Raglan, a couple of hours away, it was a very Spring-ish day. Here in NZ, we have weather known as "4 seasons in 1 day". We had looked at the weather forecast beforehand and it had said rain in the morning but it would clear up by lunchtime - all looked promising. Once we arrived there we stopped off at this part of the beach, got out of the car into freezing cold blustery wind - definitely  not something to enjoy. I managed to hold my camera steady enough for a minute to snap this photo of the road going past the coast, to the left was one of those quintessential kiwi baches that people sometimes still holiday in. Looks like the owners would get a great view on a sunny Summer's day - definitely not this day though.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday :-)


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Yes, I love the looks of that little beach cottage. Interesting about the four seasons in one day!! Pretty shot.

Photo Cache said...

This shot reminds me of Costa Rica for some reason.

William Kendall said...


Rhonda Albom said...

Brrr. I have been feeling some of those winds lately. It looks sunny but a southerly comes up and hits you with a frigid breeze.

Jim said...

Good one.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, it looks windy. I can see the white caps of the waves in a corner of the photo. Pretty scene and sky. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

Graham Edwards said...

One of the few things (another being Big Skies) that NZ shares with the Outer Hebrides is the "4 Seasons in 1 Day".

Bill said...

Very pretty, it would be nice to reside in that cottage right across the street. Such a nice view.

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely blue sky and great composition in your lovely photo ~ ^_^

(A ShutterBug Explores)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Every once in a while, not very often, we get one of those days. Four seasons in one day.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh I know about that four seasons in one day thing Amy, happens here in Perth too now and then. I reckon the view from the little beach house would be brilliant whatever the weather ☺

UplayOnline said...

that NZ shares with the Outer Hebrides is the "4 Seasons in 1 Day".

แตกใน xxx

New Lyell Cemetery

In between Greymouth and Murchison on the side of the road in amongst bush and mountains is this little wee cemetery.   Back in the day from...