Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Stormy Spring mornings at the beach...

The thing about Spring here in NZ is that it's almost like 4 seasons in 1 day. Yesterday we had lovely sun and warm temperatures, today it's very nippy with a cold wind in the air.

On my beach walk there wasn't much action, these old pieces of wood had washed up some time ago and remained on the sand.

A piece of pumice on one of the old logs drew my attention along with bits and pieces of seaweed and shells.

I think I saw 2 other people walking their dogs but that was about it - I think everyone else had decided indoors was a warmer place to be.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday :-)


Fun60 said...

An interesting walk. I wouldn't be able to resist having a good look at the driftwood.

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

I'd count drift wood and other debris being thrown up on the beach as 'things happening'. They are definitely interesting, sometimes beautiful and clearly in accord with the theme in that they often come surprisingly long distances from around the world.

carol l mckenna said...

What a beautiful place ~ my favorite and lovely photography ~ I love the photos of what washed ashore on the beach ~ ^_^

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I would go straight for the driftwood. Some driftwood is gorgeous

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Changeable weather can be fun .... the Oregon Coast is kind of like that in all seasons. Is it really Spring already? Our season won't change to Autumn for over a month now (officially anyhow).

Amy said...

Officially September 1st is when Spring begins however it feels like things are changing now :-)

eileeninmd said...

Hello, it is a pretty beach and lovely photos. I would love a walk there. Happy Spring. Enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Sharon said...

Beautiful photos from your beach walk. I was walking the beach this last weekend in California but I think my experience was a quite a bit warmer than yours at least for now. It won't be long before it swings the other way.

William Kendall said...

Something of a brooding day there, it seems.

Graham Edwards said...

Apart from the last photo that could be the Outer Hebrides.

Bill said...

A walk along the beach is always interesting. I love driftwood and pick up pieces to take home. My wife uses them in her crafts. Also sea glass is fun to find and collect.

Amy said...

ok sea glass as in remainders of glass people have left on there or something else?

Rhonda Albom said...

There is something about pumice that intrigues me. I think it's the fact that it could have floated to where it ended up on that driftwood.


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