Sunday, 20 August 2017

Doggy gossip time...

Sometimes on my beach walk I'll see people walking their dogs - last week was amusing to say the least. I watched these two human friends meet up and their dogs who looked like they recognized each other happily bounded up and sniffed while barking. Kinda looked like a doggy gossip session :-)


Graham Edwards said...

'A doggy gossip session' there's an idea. Dogs taking their owners for a walk so that they can socialise.

Bill said...

Dogs know what's best don't they. They need to catch up with the latest since their last meeting.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Everybody has a friend!

William Kendall said...

"So, did I tell you I chased the mailman?"

Rhonda Albom said...

Perhaps a doggy play date?


  I discovered a utility box outside my workplace that has been painted with different coloured fish. Just down the road is the fishing port...