Friday, 21 July 2017

Tongariro Trout Fishing

On our way to Ruapehu last weekend we stopped (cos I'm one of those annoying people who if I see something when we are driving that I think is interesting I say "stop") near a bridge just before Turangi.

As we drove around Lake Taupo I saw these fishermen trout fishing all in a long line down the river.

These two in particular were the only ones who caught one while we were there, the others were throwing their lines in back and forth - no doubt they were pleased with their catch.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday :-)


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Great shots, glad you stopped! I always heard trout fishing is world class in NZ.

carol l mckenna said...

Neat fishing shots and a bit of sky ^_^

Graham Edwards said...

My favourite fish. It beats salmon every time!

Photo Cache said...

It's nice to watch people fish. I cannot take the boredom of fishing, sigh.

Worth a Thousand Words

William Kendall said...

It looks like good conditions for them.

Jim said...

Great shots.

Andy said...

Nice photos. Count me in as one of those annoying people who also has to stop. lol

Rhonda Albom said...

Great capture. It must be cold out there fishing (at least they have the sun).

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