Thursday, 6 April 2017

Stormy skies over Ohinemutu Cemetery

Last weekend on our road trip through Rotorua we stopped at the Ohinemutu Cemetery - a very respected resting place for soldiers who served in the 28th (Maori) Battalion during the 2nd World War. Such a peaceful spot but I was disappointed to see the shores of the lake polluted with rubbish  here and there - sad that people can't dispose of their leftovers the right way.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday :-)


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

beautiful place of honor. I'm sorry about the disrespectful slobs ... sadly, those kind are everywhere.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Indeed a pretty spot and great photo. Sorry to hear about the litterbugs.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice photo of a worthy monument. Leaving trash is kind of a worldwide thing I am afraid. My dad was a forest ranger and woe to any of us kids who littered.

Jim said...

Beautiful sky.
Sydney – City and Suburbs

Photo Cache said...

My pet peeve too when people litter.

Lady Fi said...

A lovely shot.

Pauline said...

A great photo of a beautiful place, Amy. It seems that a bag to pick up rubbish is a necessary part of every walk these days, no matter where you go. So annoying!

Velysia Zhang said...

New Zealand is my favorite country to travel to. Really? Some people still do littering?

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