Friday, 17 March 2017

Friday Autumn skies at Pilot Bay

Today was one of those mornings where it was overcast and chilly but now mid-morning it's clearing up and blue skies are what I see out my lounge window. This was taken out at Pilot Bay near the wharf and takeaway shop.

Linking up with Skywatch Fridays and Weekend Reflections :-)


Billy Blue Eyes said...

You seem to live in a nice place with a view like that

Jim said...

I have featured a grey sky too today. :)
Sydney – City and Suburbs

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Gray skies, but you are so lucky to live near the water like you do -- in whatever season.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty sky, and I do see a little hint of blue!

local alien said...

Love this photo. Another classic of your area

Wayne said...

Tip top seems like a great place to hang out and enjoy the view.

Photo Cache said...

The place is just waking up it seems.

Worth a Thousand Words

Graham Edwards said...

Well, well. I've been to Pilot Beach without even knowing that was what it was called.

NatureFootstep said...

sometimes I like the overcast days. :)


  This is the season (Summer) where it's good to see children outside doing activities like cycling - this photo was taken on the outski...