Monday, 16 January 2017

Strawberry picking at Somerfield Berry Farm

Sunday morning we made the spur of the moment decision to find out where there was a local farm where we could pick fresh Strawberries. We ended up finding Somerfield Berry Farms over in Oropi which is about a good 20 minutes away. 

Out in the country the driveway down was past sheds and kiwifruit orchards lined with various types of pretty colourful roses.

We spent probably 45 minutes there looking through the patches trying to find some that weren't small and in the end we came out with 1.4kgs and ended up paying just on $13 which is pretty good for this part of NZ.

The end result - don't they look pretty darn good? Gotta love Summer fruit.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday :-)


Pauline said...

The strawberries up this way have been very good this year. Hope yours are, too. Although I think yours will have a little something extra coming from such a nice looking farm.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

They look delicious. We used to love picking our own strawberries (when we lived in Oregon) -- the first summer fruit crop, so that makes them even more special.

Fun60 said...

My mouth is watering just looking at those strawberries. A few months to wait before I can get my mouth round some home grown ones. We have strawberries in the shops all the year round now butI like to eat them in season not when they have been flown half way round the world.

Rhonda Albom said...

You found a lovely bunch of strawberries.

carol l mckenna said...

How delightful to see since we in MA USA are in the midst of Winter ~ Lovely photography ~ thanks ~ delish strawberries ~

Wishing you Happy Days ahead ~ ^_^

Lorita said...

I love strawberries! Wish I could do this right now.
Saying hello from Canada!

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