Friday, 11 November 2016

Helping hands at Pilot Bay

Last weekend early on a Saturday morning I ventured down to our local Pilot Bay to watch one of the big cargo ships leave Tauranga and head out to sea, I was there for about half an hour and didn't see it go past but I did see lots of hopeful people trying their luck with fishing off the wharf - including this dad who was setting up a line for his little boy.

It was a bit chilly for a late Spring morning so I headed home for the warm sheltered sunshine :-)

More Skywatch Fridays here :-)


Pauline said...

Look at that wee fisherman in his woolies and beanie. Never too young, huh?

Jim said...

Beautiful shot.
Sydney – City and Suburbs

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Can beat fishing with a son or daughter! Pretty shot.

Rhonda Albom said...

I remember fishing with my girls for sprats when they were young.

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