Bring on the stilt people!

This weekend gone we travelled 2 1/2 hours up to Whitianga for the Scallop Festival - a small town on the Coromandel Coast that hosts a fun filled day eating Scallops cooked in different ways by different stall holders. Let's just say that for us it was an expensive weekend but we had an absolute blast.

Among the crowds of people and yummy food these fascinating stilt people were showing off their costumes. I don't know how they did it but they walked around for hours on stilts inside their clothes - pretty funky huh?


Rhonda Albom said…
What fun! One year I think I will get to the scallop festival. The stilt people are pretty cool, and have a better sense of balance than I do.
NatureFootstep said…
brought a smile to my face. Loved to see those people. Tried it when I was young but it was too difficult :)
eileeninmd said…
Hello, the festival sounds like fun. I like the stilt people and their costumes. Enjoy your day!
Andrea said…
Oh they are amazing, but i would love to eat scallops. I wish to see your photos of the food preparations. Now i am salivating as scallops are not very common here in the local scene, harvests are sent for export.
Jarek said…
What a funny and lovely photos :-)
Buckeroomama said…
Looks like so much fun! I've always marveled at how they keep their balance. :)
love the costumes -- amazing sense of balance. I love Scallops -- they are very expensive here.