Tuesday, 16 August 2016

What happens when you avoid the traffic...

On the way home today after work in an effort to miss the 5 o'clock traffic I stopped down by Tauranga's waterfront. Late Winter colour, peaceful calm waters and chilly air. In this shot I manage to see some men trying to catch some fish.


Rhonda Albom said...

Beautiful, subtle colors. I'll bet those kids were quite cold.

Wayne said...

That is a beautiful scene. Good call!

NatureFootstep said...

wow, this is beautiful. Love the light on the mountains and the shape of the bridge. :) Great place to stop :)

Jarek said...

Beautiful colors and lovely view.

Jocee said...

Lovely scene, a great way to finish the day :-)


  So strange seeing tourists in the middle of Summer wearing puffer jackets and warm clothing in 30 degree temperatures. Photo taken in Janu...