Sunday, 17 July 2016

St Peter's Church and graffiti - Maketu

Sunday we drove about 25 minutes south of Tauranga to a small coastal area named Maketu (pronounced Mack-a-too) just to get out of the house for a bit. Typically Winter here is kinda boring, we don't get snow but we do mostly get fine chilly days. We stopped at the local beach nearby and on the way back I saw this church and had to stop to get a photo.

Apparently the St Peter's church in the photo above was originally built in 1887 by Father James Madan of the Mill Hill Mission at Matata assisted by local Maori people. Maketu also sells Maketu pies which are well known around the region for being the best around, I have yet to try them but when I do I'll be sure to share what I think of them :-)


Pauline said...

That's a lovely little church and it sure makes a contrast against its neighbouring fence. Amy, shame on you, for not having eaten a Maketu pie!! You must rectify that as soon as possible. :)

Wayne said...

I'm with Pauline, I wouldn't expect to see the graffiti next to that lovely church. I like them both for individual merits, but they seem like an odd neighbor

carol l mckenna said...

amazing graffiti ~ but it works it seem ~ Beautiful church ~ great photos!

Wishing you a happy weekend ~ ^_^

Rhonda Albom said...

Cool church and that Graffiti looks more like street art to me.

betty-NZ said...

I enjoy learning about the area through photography research. Love the little church.

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