Monday, 4 July 2016

Dog walking at the beach

While on a walk along Mount Maunganui beach on Sunday we passed this very very cute sight - a young lady walking 4 very small very adorable little dogs who all looked extremely happy to be there. Love seeing things like this!

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Fun60 said...

The dogs look very well behaved.

Photo Cache said...

I love photographing dogs and their owners on the beach too.

Rhonda Albom said...

Nice shot, but I am surprised there are so few people walking on the beach on a Sunday.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful capture of dog walker and her cute little ones ~

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

Wayne said...

The beach makes everyone happy!

grams ramblings said...

Love the beach - not so keen on dogs . Lovely picture though...

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh what fun, walking four dogs on the beach. They all look so happy.
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