Monday, 23 May 2016

Views of Waikato from the Kaimai Ranges

Over the weekend I visited an old school friend who lives about 20 minutes from Taupo, she owns a farm in a very quite area. It's mid Autumn here so it's starting to get colder as we head towards Winter but thankfully she had the fire going in her house so we stayed toasty warm along with the 7 dogs she has.

On the way home I snapped these shots from the top of the Kaimai ranges. In the distance you can see miles and miles of farmland in the Waikato region - quite a view isn't it? If you look to the left in the 1st and 3rd photos you will be able to see the road as it winds up the mountain, this is the main highway leading from Tauranga to Hamilton and onto other areas.

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Wayne said...

This really shows the beauty of NZ.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, gorgeous views of the ranges and farmland. Lovely photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It is a beautiful view (I'm really missing mountains here in the flatlands -- getting eager to head for the other side of this country where there are some!!). You had a perfect weekend -- good visit with good friends, a warm fireplace and beautiful views along the way.

Ela said...

Beautiful views !!

Penelope Notes said...

Sounds like the makings of a good mystery. Woman living in quiet area with a crackling fireplace and seven dogs to protect her as well as keep her company. The mountains I am used to in my neck of the woods are far larger, more rocky and usually less green. :)

carol l mckenna said...

What a vista~ and great panoramic photography ~ beautiful!

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Such beautiful scenery.

Pauline said...

You did well with these. It's hard to capture the beauty of those big landscapes, isn't it? Glad you had such a lovely weekend with your friend and had time to stop to take these.

Phil Slade said...

Such wide open spaces and wonderful views. Your friend is very fortunate Amy.

NatureFootstep said...

wow, this landscape is amazing. Would love to explore it :)

Jarek said...

Beautiful photos of the amazing landscape.


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