Monday, 24 August 2015

Magnolias and Spring sunsets in Tauranga...

Days are getting longer here, mornings are becomming lighter - guess Spring is here and I couldn't be happier. On the way home last night I spotted this pretty tree covered in Magnolia flowers on the corner of the road opposite the supermarket.

The flowers close up are so lovely - nothing better than these to cheer us up as a reminder that warmer weather and brighter colours are on the way...

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Kayger said...

I love Magnolia's they're so pretty. Really hoping my one will give me a few flowers this year, it's yellow called Honey Tulip :)

NatureFootstep said...

ah, beautiful Magnolia :) We soon have fall and the tree has seeds :)

Wayne said...

That's the cool thing about your Spring and our Fall, they both will include great colors. I'm sad to see the Summer fade.

Phil Slade said...

I love Magnolias too. We have one named "Susan". My wife is Susan.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty sky capture. And I love the magnolia bloom, very pretty. Have a happy new week ahead!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Happy Spring Amy! I would be thrilled if I were you... Not being a winter person, I used to be so glad when early spring arrived. Now we miss that season, because Florida really doesn't change much .... And we don't get back to the nOrthwest until later in the summer.

mick said...

Beautiful capture of light in the first photo and magnolias are always very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Fun60 said...

The early signs of Spring. How beautiful.

Photo Cache said...

Oh yes, magnolias are the harbinger of spring. Here in my part of California, they arrive as early as mid January.

Worth a Thousand Words

GreenComotion said...

One of my favorite flowers, so fragrant!
Lovely photos!
Have a Beautiful Week!
Peace :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love how we are opposite seasons from each other. I guess the earth really is round.

Rhonda Albom said...

I thought spring was coming too, but then today it was cold and raining, reminding me it is still winter. Wish I had a lovely magnolia tree to look at.

Maiah Harrison said...

Beautiful flowers and season - spring is lovely! In my part of the world, summer is almost over and we are looking forward to Autumn... :-)

320 Steps | Rome

ajax85 said...

Wow..nice the pic..can you see my blog..

betty-NZ said...

Magnolias are a wonderful sigh that spring is coming! Your photos are just gorgeous.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

As your spring comes, so does our autumn. Love it.
The View from the Top of the Ladder

NatureFootstep said...

I love Magnolia, never tired of them :)

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