Winter reflections over Tauranga Harbour

Last week as I was driving around on errands I couldn't help but stop and take a photo of the scenery and view I get from the area I live here in Tauranga. This is just down the road from me and it's a view of the harbour when the tide was out. The pathway along the bottom is actually a hike/walk - not sure how long it goes for as I haven't tried it out yet.  Welcome to Winter!

For more Weekend Reflections click here :-)


Rhonda Albom said…
Love that rich blue water color. I also live on a tidal bay.
Fun60 said…
Would love to see where that path goes. What a beautiful scene.
Pauline said…
A peaceful scene. Love the colours in the water!
Jim said…
Great reflections
Fabulous reflections and a gorgeous view Have a lovely weekend.
eileeninmd said…
Beautiful view of the harbor, lovely shot! Enjoy your day!