Saturday, 4 July 2015

The Strand's local Fish Market - Tauranga

I had one of those days last week where I just HAD to get out of the house so I wandered down to The Strand in Tauranga which is like a waterfront area lined with shops, bars, restaurants etc. One of the buildings is what I've heard is the nicest Fish Market around, apparently you can buy great seafood there. Can you see what the sign says to the left? Kahawai and Snapper is currently in the smoker - major yum!

And with a view like this of the harbour I'm not surprised they stock the nicest seafood. The bridge in the distance is used by trains to cross over from that side to this one. Hope you've had a great week, I've finally scored myself a job with one of the local power companies doing computer work and data entry so excited to be doing something at last not to mention earning some decent money :-)


eileeninmd said...

The fresh smoked Snapper sounds delicious! I am so happy that you scored a new job! Congrats! Enjoy your weekend!

Pauline said...

Congratulations on your job! Now you've got me wanting some smoked fish! Not much beats freshly smoked kahawai. That's a lovely view across the harbour to the railway bridge.

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Amy,
Very nice pictures.
Great the view over the harbour. Wonderful.

Many greetings,

Blogoratti said...

Hello, great and lovely photos indeed.

Wayne said...

contrats!! Celebrate with some smoked snapper, I'm hungry just thinking about it

Amy said...

yes it's certainly very tasty. I use to sprinkle the fish I caught with brown sugar and sea salt, puts a nice crispy coating over it :-)

NatureFootstep said...

this place looks very nice and fresh :)

Autumn skies

  Sunset over the Grey River Photo taken by me on the way home one night around 8pm after work - Autumn sunset over the Grey River. We'v...