Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Red hot Pokers - perfect Winter colour!

Despite us being in early Winter here there's still plenty of colour to brighten things up such as these Red Hot Pokers also known as Kniphofia. These are growing in orange clumps along my road and make a welcome addition at the moment.

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betty-NZ said...

I love these and want to get some for my garden.

Al said...

Those are so bright. Nothing blooms or grows here in the winter!

Pauline said...

A beautiful splash of colour to cheer anyone's day.

Unknown said...


cieldequimper said...

Your winter doesn't look anything like ours!!

Molly said...

I have these in my garden too but it is only June here and they will not put on their fiery display until well into August


NatureFootstep said...

interesting tree flowers :)

You often have trees and bushes in your posts. Why not join NF Trees n Bushes?

likeschocolate said...

So nice to have such a lovely pop of color during winter!

Wayne said...

They are pretty interesting, I wish we had them here

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We have those here in Florida ... Earlier in the season. I didn't know the name ... I'll try to post a pic next season and I'll sound smart ... Actually knowing the nane!

Ohmydearests said...

I love red hot pokers!


  I discovered a utility box outside my workplace that has been painted with different coloured fish. Just down the road is the fishing port...