Saturday, 25 April 2015

Anzac day 2015 in Mangawhai

This morning I spent a couple of hours with many other people at our local RSA (returned services association) in Hakaru, about 10 minutes out of Mangawhai for Anzac Day. We have a local Cadets unit - these young people did an awesome job this morning

One of our locals Logan Brown is a master bag piper - love the sound of those Scottish bag pipes.

Nice to see so many military personnel - local and non local such as army/air force/police/fire brigade/st john ambulance representatives.

Mangawhai Beach school students had also made wooden crosses painted with names of their fallen heroes which were pushed into the ground lining the path to the Cenotaph.

So many wreaths laid on the Cenotaph - and such an important day in the history of New Zealand and Australia. How did you celebrate Anzac Day?


Joyful said...

It is good to remember.

Amy said...

Tis indeed :-)

Rhonda Albom said...

Nice photos Amy. I went to the ANZAC day parade at the Silverdale RSA with the Girl Guide Pippin group I lead.

Amy said...

thanks Rhonda - gosh you're not that far from me :-)

Unknown said...

good on you for attending
how special for the children to be able to do that

Lyn @ aholeinmyshoe said...

Thank you for sharing your local ANZAC day service, we have a long and close relationship with New Zealand and shared goals in peace and war. I also wrote my my story, one that is close to my heart, if you would like to read

Buckeroomama said...

I've seen loads of pics from my friends who've moved back to NZ... always good to remember.

Rhonda Albom said...

Hi Amy, Back again to let you know that I linked to this post from my War Memorial post. (

Wayne said...

That's a nice memorial.

I get a free weekly bagpipe concert, my neighbor leads a group practice in his back yard during the Summer.

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