Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Who's this guy? Is he a Karoro?

This big guy hangs out in my backyard most mornings looking for crusts of bread and tasty morsels. He's larger than a seagull, and believe me when you live at the beach like we do there are millions of seagulls except this one's different. Look at his beak and the colour of his feathers. I think he's a Karoro also known as a Black Backed Gull. I think he's lovely!

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Unknown said...

interesting post Amy :)

Anonymous said...

he is at our beach too, and is a big bully.

carol l mckenna said...

Fascinating ~ so many different gulls around ~ Great shots!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Photo Cache said...

I can watch them for a long time and if not for the husband I can take photos of them over and over.

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