Saturday, 21 March 2015

Sand reflections at Mangawhai surf beach

Last Spring on one of those "hey it's great to get outside" days I wandered to our local surf beach - noticed the tide was out and along the walk to the end of the beach I noticed that the tide had left these wavy shaped patterns in the sand and the reflection of the blue skies was left over...pretty cool huh?

For more weekend reflections click here :-)


Unknown said...

What a beautiful coast line :)
Mine is way more flat :D
Have a beautiful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Artsy patterns of the sand - great capture:)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Great reflection shot in the sand. Have a wonderful weekend.

Amy Proctor said...

Beautiful, Amy! Love the sand and the beachline.

Anonymous said...

the beach and the sea are really beautiful! It must be so nice to have a walk overthere!

TexWisGirl said...

so very pretty. love the taupe and blue shades!

FAB said...

Great shot of natures natural art. Have a good weekend.

Fun60 said...

Never mind the reflections that is a beautiful beach.

Unknown said...

wow!! pretty cool alright!

Nefertiti said...

Très bel endroit :0)

Wayne said...

The reflections are great, but the view of a warm beach is even better.

Molly said...

Very cool, i love the blue reflection and the lines of the ripples in the sand


Ruth Kelly said...

Very nice indeed!

NatureFootstep said...

I like reflections like this. Looking down seeing parts of the sky :)


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