Thursday, 12 March 2015

Waipu public loos

Last weekend the teens and I drove through Waipu and stopped off at the beach. Couldn't help but notice this artistic piece of artwork and after some research found out it was created by muralist Daniel Mills in a competition in 2008. Not only does it display the local Scottish history of the area but also includes surf lifesaving, surfing and fishing catchment limits.

This area on the side of the building is covered in flowers, at first I wasn't sure what type of flowers they were but later concluded they are in fact New Zealand pohutukawas which flower here over Christmas.


Unknown said...

very cool!!
The first photo really caught my eye :)

Joyful said...
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Joyful said...

Cool! I love public art as long it's oolourful and not too bizarre. These murals are absolutely beautiful!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Definitely the nicest public restrooms I've seen!

Anonymous said...

Very cool and creative.

paul said...

Beautiful artwork!

NatureFootstep said...

Well, I call that a nice building. But you need time to take a look at it. :)

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