Driftwood sculptures at Sullivan's Bay

While going through the archives on my external hard drive I found this amazing shot I took last year at Sullivan's Bay in Mahurangi of a driftwood sculpture someone made and set up. This is one of my favourite places to visit, sadly I haven't been there in quite sometime but isn't it beautiful?

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colleen said…
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colleen said…
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eileeninmd said…
Looks like a pretty beach, I like the dirftwood sculpture! Have a happy week ahead!
Laura said…
How beautiful this is!
Yogi♪♪♪ said…
Interesting. We don't get much driftwood here in Oklahoma, USA so I'm enjoying your art.
carol l mckenna said…
Unique shot and creative driftwood sculpture!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol
Anonymous said…
Just lovely.
Linda W. said…
I like that driftwood sculpture! And the sunny blue skies.
Su-sieee! Mac said…
The sculpture is wonderful. How can one not pause, look, and smile at it.
Fabulous sculpture, and that beach looks incredible.
Fun60 said…
That is a beautiful photo of the driftwood against that gorgeous background.