Friday 27 February 2015

Four seasons in one day...

Only I would be game enough to pull over in a farmer's driveway while it's raining on the way home from work to take this photo of the stormy skies passing over. Weird thing is, typical NZ weather, while it was raining here, just around the corner it was hot sunny skies. Four season in one day...

For more Skywatch Fridays click here :-)

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Oyster catchers in Mangawhai estuary

I just love this shot! In our old house we use to live in a few streets away there was a walk way at the end of the road and down those lots and lots of steps was a beautiful quiet part of Mangawhai estuary where hardly anyone went.

One Autumn morning a friend and her son were visiting us and I took them for a walk down there. Among the wildlife at the time were oyster catchers searching for food in the low tide. These guys are awesome and love scouting around for shellfish and sprats.

Hope you like seeing a small snippet of NZ's wildlife. For more Wednesdays around the world click here :-)

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Mangawhai Triathlon 2015

Every year in late summer my town hosts a triathlon which involves a 500m swim, a 20km cycle and then a 5k run through to the finish line. It's a little too advanced for my exercise level so I usually go along and take photos.

As you can see from the photos one contestant looks particularly triumphant as he nears the end, all the bikes were lined up in the campground nearby and lots of people waiting to cheer the entrants on as they came in. Well done to all those who competed in it.

For more our world tuesdays click here :-)

Friday 20 February 2015

Frosty morning skies over Te Arai

Although its been very dry here temperatures are starting to slowly cool down. Yesterday morning I snapped this shot over the vast farmland on the way to work - views over the countryside with Te Arai surf beach and fog in the distance.

For more skywatch Fridays click here :-)

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Surfing at Te Arai

Another one I found in my archives - a black and white image of a surfer standing in the early morning scenery of Te Arai surf beach. Not alot of surf but nice reflections over the waves - have a great day :-)

More Wednesday around the world here...

Scallop shells at Pahi

I Love playing around with my camera taking photos of different textures and shapes.  Here's one of a large scallop shell ar Pahi beach last time I was there. So interesting seeing the grains of sand up close. More Wednesday around the world here...

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Driftwood sculptures at Sullivan's Bay

While going through the archives on my external hard drive I found this amazing shot I took last year at Sullivan's Bay in Mahurangi of a driftwood sculpture someone made and set up. This is one of my favourite places to visit, sadly I haven't been there in quite sometime but isn't it beautiful?

For more Our world Tuesdays click here :-)

Sunday 15 February 2015

Signs of Summer - Purple gazanias at Te Arai

These little flowers are so vibrant and they line the sandy coastal areas around here making a bright show of colour. Love them!

Thursday 12 February 2015

A nice little Winter panorama of Wellsford

Here's one I found in the archives, a nice little winter panorama of Wellsford, the town I work in. Must've snapped this on the way home one night and forgotten about it. Such nice skies we get here sometimes. Hope your week is going well :-)

Friday 6 February 2015

Summer sky through broken glass in Wellsford

Ok so I take a lot of photos of landscapes and skies etc. This week I found something different while I was on my lunch break at work. This building in Wellsford is up for rent, like a few others in the vicinity and unfortunately above the door the glass has been either stood on by someone or smashed by a heavy object. But it made for interesting viewing of the sky above...

For more skywatch fridays click here and have a great day :-)

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Black Stag Deli - Scrumptious Mangawhai Food

I just have to share a great report about these guys who are local to Mangawhai where I live. Every Saturday morning they are at the Mangawhai markets in the village selling the most delicious smelling food such as sausages, venison, doner kebab and other such feasts. This photo is from when they were at the new year's day gala, many people line up to buy their goodies...I intend to finally check them out this weekend :-)

For more Our World Tuesdays click here :-)

Sunday 1 February 2015

Spring roadtrip to the Historic Puhoi Pub - Est 1879

What an amazing place the Puhoi Pub is - its about an hour or so from where I live just off the main highway that leads to Auckland. This photo above I took last year in Spring was when I was travelling through the area on a one off road trip. According to the Puhoi Historical Society it was built in 1879. Puhoi village was apparently first settled by German Immigrants along the nearby river and also has an antique shop, cheese factory and museum. I plan to take my teens there at some point - think another road trip is in order...

Hine Ora

  It's been a while since I've visited Westport. Last time we were there I spotted this hefty looking sculpture on the main street. ...