Friday 19 September 2014

Skywatch Friday - Summer sunset over Tawharanui

Until recently I use to enjoy fishing - many nights were spent out in a boat catching Snapper, Kawahai etc. One of the places we use to go to was the Tawharanui Peninsula in the Rodney District of North Auckland. We saw many beautiful sunsets and sunrises - this was one of the best, taken just as evening was coming up.

For more Skywatch Fridays click here :-)


carol l mckenna said...

Wow what Sky capture ~ absolutely beautiful! ~ !!! for SWF!

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Judy said...

Gorgeous image!!! I love the way the light reflects on the water!!!

sunshine said...

Wonderful colors amd photo.

Antonina said...


eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous reflection and beautiful sky. Great photo, happy skywatching!

Photo Cache said...

what a glorious sky.

Worth a Thousand Words

Karen said...

An awesome sky shot!

Nanda kumar said...


Jim said...

That's a beauty.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow, being out in a small boat fishing at sunset... doesn't get any better than that! This one's a beauty.

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely sky shot.

Aimz said...

thank you Carol :-)

Light and Voices said...

I'm your newest follower. My husband and I fish on similar lakes in Wisconsin and I take my camera everywhere and try to capture sunsets and sunrises. Road trips are my favorite thing to do and fests and abandoned buildings with their hidden stories.
JM, Illinois-U.S.A.

Aimz said...

hi there JM, thanks for your comment. Fishing is awesome isn't it? Unfortunately I haven't been for quite some time, not with my then partner anymore. Will check out your blog now :-)

Unknown said...

Beautiful :)

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Wow, gorgeous!

Jocee said...

That is a beautiful picture. :)

Thomas Lee/Lee Lip Pang said...

One beautiful sunset


  I can't remember what road this was down in Ponsonby while we were in Auckland, might've been Pitt Street on the outer edge but wh...