Saturday, 1 March 2025



Photo taken November 2024 on the outskirts of Auckland City, between upper Karangahep Road and  Sandringham

We have had bursts of rain but so the tank outide is now 2/3 full which is positive and it is rumoured that the hot dry weather will continue through to April. But there's a definite chill in the air, Autumn is on it's way.

Linking up with Weekend ReflectionsShadow Shot Sunday.

Thursday, 27 February 2025


Photo taken when we lived in Tauranga 5 years ago.

We are now in the days of late Summer/early Autumn - soon it will be time for the mornings to be darker and the nights to be colder. I remember when we lived in Tauranga in 2018, I stoppedbefore work along the waterfront to take photos of how bare the shops and restaurants were in the early morning.

I was driving home from work last night when I decided to stop in at my old workplace and buy a packet of my favourite lollies. On the way home 5 minutes later I, and alot of other cars had to stop on the side of the road as someone had only just had an accident in the pouring rain, I'm not 100% sure but speed was probably a factor. I had missed it by less than a minute - scary stuff.

Linking up with Skywatch FridayAll Seasons and Tom's signs.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025



One from our time in Whangarei. I love this city, I spent part of my childhood here as I have relatives who still live on the outskirts on a farm. Good memories. Photo taken in Spring a few years ago in one of the shopping areas.

Linking up with Through my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the worldWordless Wednesday.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Kumete Kai


I saw th is mural on the side of a the local library building when were in Pukekohe for the day last year in November. Painted by artist Regan Belzer the name of it is "Kumete Kai" - a food bowl for the mind. It was blessed by mana whenua and the artist was helped by local Pukekohe High School students. The food bowl idea represents the local area's fertile soil, waterways and plentiful food. 

The idea also goes with the library and "Te Kai a te Rangatira" - the food of the chief is korero - as a place where people gather to to share knowledg, consider, discuss and learn.

Linking up with Monday Murals.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Hanging around


I stopped in town one afternoon on the way home from work and noticed this man and his dog waiting outside one of the shops for someone inside, turned out it was his wife and she came out with a bag full of stuff. Just another hot dry Summer's day...

Linking up with Weekend ReflectionsShadow Shot Sunday and the Weekend Roundup.

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Mackay Street


Mackay Street is one of the main roads in town where the shopping district is. Mostly old buildings full of real estate, clothing, discount, food, appliance and op shops.

Yay we finally have had some rain. Most of the town and surrounding areas like where we are, are now on water restrictions. The rain we have had is a start but we need a wee bit more. I think in the 3 years we have been living on the West Coast this has been the hottest most driest Summer we've had so far.

Linking up with Skywatch FridayAll Seasons and Tom's signs.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025


We have new additions to our whanau (family). We acquired 4 chickens from our local farm store. These are named Mike, Rik, Vyvyan and Neil - who recognizes their names? I'll give you a clue....they are from an early 1980s British comedy series.

This is their coop, right next to the vege garden but this is temporary as we are going to put a wire roof over their running area to keep pests out. So far we are getting 2 to 3 eggs per day - eggs are very very expensive here. For a dozen it costs roughly $9 nzd.

Linking up with Through my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the world, Tigger's Blog Hop and Wordless Wednesday.

Monday, 17 February 2025

New Brighton


While driving through New Brighton last December I spotted this mural on the fence next to one of the local supermarkets.

Painted by artist Dove Finch it depicts the local area with the library, the bridge, beach and dolphins.

Linking up with Monday Murals.

Saturday, 15 February 2025



I was impressed and amazed how much Auckland City had grown since I use to work here in the 1990s, there has been alot of changes and progress, some of it I don't think has been for the better. This photo was taken in November when Spring was still showering the whole country with non stop rain.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Another petrol station


Some people like self serve petrol stations like this one we saw in Christchurch last December as they are a bit cheaper than the average ones around the country. A new one has opened here in Greymouth in the last month that is self serve too and apart from the small difference in price, people are wondering why as we already have 5 petrol stations in town as it is. Most people I've talked to about it are wishing that perhaps a cheaper supermarket or a kmart could've been built there.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's signs.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

New Lyell Cemetery

In between Greymouth and Murchison on the side of the road in amongst bush and mountains is this little wee cemetery.  

Back in the day from 1862 there was a huge cold rush in this area after Maori prosectors started finding gold in the creek. There are many unmarked graves here and most of them have headstones that are falling apart. This one is known as the new cemetery but there is a much older one that I will need to visit.

The town grew quickly reaching to a population of approx 2000 by the 1880s and it was a stopping point on the main road through the Upper Buller Gorge. Back then I would imagine how hard it was getting a horse and cat through the dense bush.

Cliff Street was the main thoroughfare and included banks, hotels and newspaper offices. The Saint Josephs Church was built in 1876 for the large amount of Irish and Italian miners.


Around 1901 the population of people had gone down to about 90 and by halfway through the 20th century the town was abandoned.

The town which was located across the road is now a campsite and walkway. Some of the residents include people such as Joshua Barclay who was born in 1839 in Ireland, Catherine Byrne born 1839 in Ireland and Aveline Broderick born in 1893.

In 1869 two Italian Miners named Antonio Zala and Giorgio Zanetti discovered gold in quartz veins  and their mine was worked on from 1872 until 1912. It really is a very peaceful area with the odd car driving past on the road and the Buller Gorge is usually a very misty place.

Linking up with Through my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the worldWordless Wednesday.


  Photo taken November 2024 on the outskirts of Auckland City, between upper Karangahep Road and  Sandringham We have had bursts of rain but...