Santa is alive and well in Bayfair!

After work last week when I was wandering through one of the local shopping malls I came across Santa's grotto - kinda nice to see decorations up and someone taking the time to dress up and talk to children about what they want for Christmas.

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Barb said…
Santa and roses - a winning combination!
Wayne said…
I would think Santa would need shorts. Nice of your colleague to share the bounty, the roses are beautiful.
carol l mckenna said…
Beautiful roses and great shot ~ lovely festive shot of Santa's grotto ~

Wishing you the magic and love the season, xox
artmusedog and carol
Rhonda Albom said…
I was just at my local mall today and there is no Santa's grotto, although there usually have been over past years. This one looks magical!
Anonymous said…
lovely! great ambiance with all that decoration, christmastrees and lights.